There are thousands of small fishing tackle manufacturers in North America and they are all fighting for visibility on tackle shop shelves and online. One website hopes to remedy this problem by excluding their biggest competitor; the large fishing tackle manufacturers. was developed strictly for the little guy building jigs, pouring plastics or coming up with something truly unique in their garage. Banding together brings hope from strength in numbers.
"I've talked to hundreds of small fishing tackle makers over the years and they've told me of the challenges they face trying to get exposure for their products," says Mike Stover; the man behind "These smaller Mom & Pop manufactures have truly unique products that fishermen need to see."
Independent Tackle was born to solve these problems and hopes to promote the small fishing tackle manufacturers by providing them with a home where there is no need to compete with the multi-million dollar companies that occupy 90% of most big fishing tackle retailers shelves. Often when small tackle makers get their product in a larger brick and mortar store, the buyer only wants to stock a few of the hottest sellers. For many of the smaller guys, this leaves out most of
their product line. Gaining national exposure is also a problem as most small manufacturers can't get exposure outside of the local or regional level. Independent Tackle allows it's manufacturers to include as many products as they like on the website and also allows them to set their own prices. Independent Tackle loads all of the information on their website for the manufacturers. The upfront cost to the manufacturer is $0. Independent Tackle takes a small percentage of a
sale when it's made. If the tackle maker sells nothing they owe nothing, "It’s better than a no lose situation, it’s win-win," said Stover.
Independent Tackle has received the notice of a few of the larger and more well known small tackle manufacturers like Poor Boy's Baits, Paycheck Baits, and Kevin VanDam's Line & Lure Conditioner. Independent Tackle continues to grow it's selection of the unique products the small tackle manufacturers offer. was launched February, 2010 to provide exposure and an outlet for the small fishing tackle manufacturer to sell their products. The website offers a selection of unique fishing tackle and other fishing and marine products. Independent Tackle continues to expand its product line almost daily.
If you'd like more information on Independent Tackle, or to schedule an interview with Mike Stover, please call Mike at 586-764-2544 or email Mike at
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