Sunday, July 25, 2010


“When I first saw their logo I knew we had something very important in common” states Darla Bardelli, Professional Angler, National Talk Show Host, Breast Cancer Survivor and Founder of Anglers Against Breast Cancer. “After a few minutes it was clear our paths were meant to cross, part of an unwelcomed sisterhood that brings all women together”. “Our mission from the beginning was to donate 10% of our profits to Breast Cancer Awareness and Research” shares, Melanie Kito, Partner in Pink Fishing. “When we met Darla she represented everything our clothing stood for.” Says, Tracie Chaney, Partner in Pink Fishing.. “We were all on the same page from the beginning… sharing our passion of fishing and taking care of the business of fighting breast cancer.” “When Darla shared with us the battle she had been through with breast cancer, we really knew we were doing the right thing.”

Pink fishing is active wear designed for women on the go who want to look good on the water and share their love of fishing. The Pink Fishing designed logo with the breast cancer awareness ribbon as the P in Pink also let’s them share the care of breast cancer awareness. Along with donating to Anglers Against Breast Cancer Pink Fishing is also donating to the favorite charity of the “Pink Fishing Survivor of the Month”, A survivor of the month will be picked by her photo and story sent in and a donation for that period will be made in her name to the breast cancer charity of her choice..

Anglers Against Breast Cancer was started by Darla Bardelli through her battle with breast cancer. “The other larger organizations do a great job, but when you are going through the battle with breast cancer, there are so many needs that are not being met by those organizations. There is little support for the husbands, fathers, sons or boyfriends of breast cancer survivors. “There is nothing out there to offer them support through this journey and our goal at AABC is to be able to fill the gap and help them to be better co-survivors” states Darla Bardelli.

For more information: or Anglers Against Breast Cancer go to our Facebook Page.

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