Wednesday, July 21, 2010


A Southern California angler has been banned from all Western Outdoor News tournaments for life after he was caught bringing "salted" bass to the scales of the 2010 U.S. Open at Lake Mead, Nevada.

Mike Hart of Winnetka, California, was one of a handful of pros who had three dead fish to their name after the second day of competition. All were under suspicion the third day because when the dead fish were cleaned in order to be donated to charity, lead weights commonly known as ring or torpedo sinkers rigged with a single hook to keep them in place were found in the bellies of three dead bass.

Hart was the only one on the list who had moved into the money and when he brought his fish to the scales today (Wednesday, July 21) tournament directors John Cassidy and Billy Egan felt what seemed to indicate weights. Hart's fish were taken immediately to be inspected in front of law enforcement and Nevada Fish and Wildlife officials and lead weights were found in all of the fish Hart presented. When confronted, Hart immediately left the scene at Callville Bay.

"Mike Hart is banned for life for presenting fish to the scales that had unnatural objects in their stomachs," said WON BASS Tournament Director. "We plan on pressing charges against Mr. Hart and we will void any victories he has had in any past WON BASS events."

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